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Felco 12 Revolving Handle Model - Ergonomic & Compact One-Hand Pruning Shear

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A Felco design for smaller hands; revolving handle reduces blisters and fatigue!

Compact cutting power for smaller hands. Revolving handle prevents blisters, hand fatigue. 0.8-inch cutting capacity; 7.9-inch overall length; weight of 9.3 oz.
Reviews from the field
"If your hands hurt after a long day of hand pruning, then these are the pruners for you. Easy to use and less fatigue! Great tool for pros and weekend gardeners." [Click to see all reviews]

Product Information

Product Specs
  • Designed for smaller hands, overall length 7 1/4in., revolving handle.
Product Warranty Information
  • Manufacturer supplies a lifetime warranty.
Product Features
  • Ergonomic & Compact One Hand Pruning Shear
  • Felco 12 Revolving Handle Model
  • A design for smaller hands to reduce blisters and fatigue
  • Compact cutting power ideal for smaller hands
  • Revolving handle prevents blisters and hand fatigue
  • 0.8 inch cutting capacity, 7.9 inch overall length, 9.3 oz weight
  • Designed for smaller hands with 7 1/4in overall length and revolving handle
Product Shipping Weight
  • .7 pounds
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the key features of the Felco 12 Revolving Handle Model?
A Felco design for smaller hands; revolving handle reduces blisters and fatigue! Compact cutting power for smaller hands. Revolving handle prevents blisters, hand fatigue.

What is the cutting capacity of the Felco 12 Revolving Handle Model?
0.8 inch cutting capacity; 7.9 inch overall length; weight of 9.3 oz.

Who is the Felco 12 Revolving Handle Model designed for?
Designed for smaller hands, overall length 7 1/4in., revolving handle.

How can the revolving handle on the Felco 12 model benefit gardeners and landscapers?
The revolving handle on the Felco 12 model is designed to prevent blisters and hand fatigue, making pruning tasks more comfortable and efficient for users with smaller hands.

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