Protect your flower beds, lawns, gardens, golf courses, and building foundations from destructive mole tunnels with help from our top-selling TomCat poison worm baits. Drop these worm-shaped rodent repellents into your local mole holes and within 12-24 hours your problem will be over. For a more heavy-duty option, try our Magnum Mole Trap, a well-crafted trap with strong striking power that is precise and easy to set. Our customers like the simplicity and effectiveness of this and other rodent control products in our inventory.
Neither rat nor gopher will escape your reach when you arm yourself with A.M. Leonard's selection of innovative and powerful rodent repellents and supplies. From mouse and rat killer stations to sprayable gopher repellent, here you will find no shortage of options to help solve your rodent problems once and for all. Shop today!