You do not need us to tell you how vital high-quality tree rigging equipment is for professionals attempting to ascend trees. This is not the time to skimp on quality! With more than a century in the horticultural supply industry, you can trust A.M. Leonard to keep you safe on the job. Our inventory is full of dependable products from trusted rigging supply brands like Petzl, Samson, Buckingham, Kong, and CMI.
Our popular 2-in-1 Buckingham Safety Lanyards are a great choice for arborists and utility workers looking to maintain perfect working positioning while up off the ground. These secure systems are crafted with Blue Streak 16-strand ropes and multi-colored thimbles.
From sling shots and throw lines to first aid and wound care, whatever challenges you face in the tree tops you can find solutions at A.M. Leonard. Trust us to equip you with the right tree rigging equipment at the right prices. Check out our inventory today!