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Quick Sharpener Tool by Corona

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Quick Sharpener Tool by Corona

Customer Group
Pro Plus - Business
QTY:1 3+6+

As compact as a pen, easily fits in your pocket, tool box or tool belt!

It can literally sharpen a dull pruner in 6 strokes. Easily maintain the same factory bevel or angle of the cutting edge on pruning and cutting tools. Super carbide file made for sharpening all types of blades. Use it to sharpen loppers, hedge shears, pruners, lawn mower blades and so much more! Go online to see a full list of products you can sharpen with this small, convenient sharpener. Ship wt .5 lb.

Product Information

Product Specs
  • 5 in overall
  • 3/4 in sharpening edge
Product Warranty Information

  • This product is covered under A.M. Leonard's exclusive 30-Day Down to Earth Guarantee. Click Here for more Details.
Product Features
  • Sharpens knives, pruners, scissors, loppers, hedge shears
  • To use, file the bevel edge of the blade from the tool's pivot to the tip four or five times. File the flat side of the blade once, with the file against the blade, to remove any burrs casued by the sharpening
  • Comes with a cover
Product Shipping Weight
  • .1 pounds
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the Corona Quick Sharpener Tool and what is it used for?
The Corona Quick Sharpener Tool is a compact sharpening device that can easily fit in your pocket, tool box, or tool belt. It is designed to sharpen and maintain the angle or factory bevel of the cutting edge on various pruning and cutting tools such as pruners, loppers, hedge shears, scissors and lawn mower blades.

2. How does the Corona Quick Sharpener Tool work?
Simply file the bevel edge of the blade from the tool's pivot to the tip four or five times. Then, file the flat side of the blade once, with the file against the blade, to remove any burrs caused by the sharpening.

3. Can the Corona Quick Sharpener Tool sharpen other types of blades aside from gardening tools?
Yes, the Corona Quick Sharpener Tool is made for sharpening all types of blades. You can sharpen knives, loppers, scissors, hedge shears and other similar tools. For a full list of products that you can sharpen with this tool, you can check their website.

4. What is the weight and overall size of the Corona Quick Sharpener Tool?
The ship weight of the Corona Quick Sharpener Tool is 0.5 lb, and it has a 5-inch overall size with a 3/4 inch sharpening edge. It also comes with an added cover for safe-keeping and easy storage.

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