Glyphosate Herbicide, 41% Concentration, 2.5 Gallon Jug
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Product Information
Product Specs
Active ingredient 41% glyphosate. Inactive ingredient 59% including surfactant. 2.5 gallon container. Can be used on crops with the Roundup Ready gene.
Product Warranty Information
Manufacturer warrants product conforms to the chemical description on the label.
Product Features
- 41% Glyphosate Herbicide, 2.5 Gallon Jug
- Effective broad spectrum post-emergence herbicide for weed control
- Quickly penetrates to the root system for complete control of broadleaf and grassy weeds, brush, and vines
- Concentrated formula mixable to varying rates and volumes for specific application needs
- Active ingredient: 41% glyphosate with a surfactant for better performance
- Can be used on crops with the Roundup Ready gene
- Different brand options available at competitive prices, all brands are equivalent to each other
Product Shipping Weight
- 25.3 pounds
Frequently Asked Questions
QUESTION: Why does your CL41 come in a variety of brands? Sometimes it is Clearout 41 Plus, Buccanneer Plus, Credit Extra, or Honcho Plus. ANSWER: The active ingredient is 41% Glyphosate. At one time, Monsanto had the rights to use Glyphosate in Roundup. When that copyright ran out, they could not renew it. Many chemical companies then came forward with their own version, often at a competitive price. So you will find many other brands besides ours on the market. QUESTION: The Clearout 41 Plus brand has "Danger" on the label's precautionary statement, while other 41% glyphosate makers put "Caution" or "Warning". Why? ANSWER: There are three levels of precaution on labels: "Caution", "Warning" and "Danger". The last one, "Danger", implies the user must take the most extreme steps for safety and precaution when using. The reason Clearout 41 Plus says "Danger" is because one of its inactive ingredients is an emulsifier the EPA deems to be caustic to eyes, and can cause permanent damage. Therefore, it earned a "Danger" on it's label.
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