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Cold Frame Hoop House 1.315"x17 ga Steel Framing 16'x48'

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Economical steel-framed hoop house for winter plant protection

These hoop houses are a traditional cold frame for over-wintering of plant material. Economical solution produced from quality Allied steel tubing with Gatorshield rust and corrosion galvanized treatment. Four-foot bow spacing. Includes all quality formed and punched parts necessary to erect the frame: bows, purlin run, 40" ground stakes, and connecting hardware. White over-winter film sold separatley.

Product Information

Product Shipping Methods
  • Please Note: Due to shipping carrier restrictions this item ships via Motor Freight only.
Direct Shipment Notice

Please note: this item ships directly from the manufacturer.

Product Specs
  • 16' x 48'
  • Center height 6.8
  • 1.315" wide, 17 gauge steel
  • Recommended poly width is 24'
Product Warranty Information

  • This product is covered under A.M. Leonard's exclusive 30-Day Down to Earth Guarantee. Click Here for more Details.
Product Features
A comparitively inexpensive way to over-winter your containerized plants Can also be used for winter storage of tools, lawn equipment, ice melt, etc
Product Shipping Weight
  • 505 pounds
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a Cold Frame Hoop House?
A Cold Frame Hoop House is a type of greenhouse structure that is designed to protect plant material during the winter season. It is made from an economical steel frame and has a 1.315"x17 ga Steel Framing with a center height of 6.8. It is an affordable solution for those who want to overwinter their plants or store equipment.

2. What is the size of a Cold Frame Hoop House?
The Cold Frame Hoop House we are referring to in this text has a size of 16'x48' with a recommended poly width of 24'. It has four-foot bow spacing and is wide enough to accommodate multiple containerized plants.

3. What materials are used to construct a Cold Frame Hoop House?
The Cold Frame Hoop House is made from quality Allied steel tubing with Gatorshield rust and corrosion galvanized treatment. It comes with all the necessary quality formed and punched parts, including bows, purlin run, 40" ground stakes, and connecting hardware.

4. What can a Cold Frame Hoop House be used for?
A Cold Frame Hoop House can be used for several applications, including winter plant protection, storing tools and lawn equipment during winter, and even ice melt storage. It is an affordable way of protecting your plants from harsh winter conditions.

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