Are you wearing yourself out by hauling around and constantly pumping a handheld? Need a sprayer that works great for light use, but doesn't break the bank? Or could it be time to replace the old, cracked and leaky sprayer from years ago? Though sprayers can look very similar, they work differently; having different benefits. Below is a guide to help you choose the right sprayer for you; saving you time and money!
Handheld Sprayers
Handheld garden sprayers pressurize the air that is left in the tank once you fill it with liquid. As the sprayer empties, the amount of air increases, meaning you will have to stop to pump more often. The less liquid in the tank means the more air you need to pressurize.
Handheld sprayers are:
- Economical
- Great for occasional use
- Smaller capacity for easier portability
Click here to see our selection of hand sprayers
Backpack Sprayers
A backpack sprayer has a small inner tank where pressurization takes place. Most have a pocket of air inside the small inner tank that will compress which then helps push the liquid out when you pull the trigger.
Backpack sprayer benefits include:
- Ideal for weekly/daily use and when spraying more than 30 minutes at a time Can carry a greater amount of liquid
- Easy pressure control
Click here to see our selection of backpack sprayers
Wheeled Sprayers
Wheeled garden sprayers are ideal for non-selective spraying of large areas like yards, gravel drives, or small fields. These sprayers can also be used to deice large areas in winter.
Wheeled sprayer benefits include:
- Ideal for spraying large areas
- Can carry a greater amount of liquid
- Consistent application rate
- Not good for spot spraying
Click here to see our selection of wheeled sprayers
Powered Sprayers
Powered sprayers can be fitted with many options including hoses, booms, nozzles, spray guns and hose reels. Customize these sprayers to fit your needs!
Powered sprayers benefits include:
- Ideal for spot spraying and large area applications
- Can carry a greater amount of liquid
- Handheld applicator with optional booms
- Battery or gasoline powered
Click here to see our selection of power sprayers
Pro tip: It's important when choosing a garden sprayer to take into consideration the application you will be using it for. Example: you may want to own more than one sprayer if you will be applying multiple chemicals to avoid contamination. Some chemicals, notably broadleaf herbicides, can be difficult to fully rinse away from spray tanks. Owning a separate sprayer for herbicides and another for insecticides will help ensure you don't accidentally apply herbicide residue while your intent was to only spray insecticide.
Pump Style: Diaphragm Pump
A more durable pump, the diaphragm style can be used for many spray formulas, including wettable powders (WP). A WP stays suspended in water instead of dissolving and can wear down a piston pump very quickly.
Pump Style: Piston Pump
A piston pump is more economical and provides greater pressure than diaphragm styles. This is generally the style pump on a handheld sprayer. Ideal for use with water soluble products.